Narges Mohammadi, the imprisoned activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner, has received temporary release from Iranian authorities for health reasons. Despite a significant medical procedure, her sentence will be lengthened once she returns to prison.
Iran Grants Temporary Release to Narges Mohammadi for Health Recovery
Iran Grants Temporary Release to Narges Mohammadi for Health Recovery
The prominent activist and Nobel laureate is allowed a 21-day medical leave following surgery, but her sentence will be extended upon her return.
Prosecutors in Iran have granted a temporary reprieve to Narges Mohammadi, a renowned activist and Nobel laureate, allowing her to leave prison for a period of 21 days for recovery following a recent medical procedure. Mohammadi's foundation announced this development on Wednesday, emphasizing that this decision comes amidst urgent appeals from her legal team for adequate recovery time and medical attention.
The need for her temporary release arose after a surgery last month involving the removal of a potentially cancerous lesion on her leg. Conditions in prison have reportedly taken a toll on her health, prompting fellow inmates to protest by going on hunger strikes until her situation was addressed, according to the Narges Foundation.
Upon her return to prison, her sentence will be automatically extended by an additional 21 days to account for her time away, a point emphasized by her foundation. Mohammadi, aged 52, is currently incarcerated in Tehran after her conviction for allegedly "spreading anti-state propaganda," largely associated with her vocal dissent towards governmental policies that limit women's rights.
The activist's deteriorating health has been a cause for concern, with previous reports detailing the occurrence of multiple heart attacks she experienced in 2022. In recognition of her unwavering commitment to civil rights, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2023, an honor accepted by her children in her absence.