In a devastating incident in southern Ethiopia, at least 71 individuals lost their lives when a lorry carrying wedding guests tragically plunged into a river. This calamity occurred in the Bona district of the Sidama region on Sunday, as reported by local officials. According to Wosenyeleh Simion, a regional official, the vehicle was overloaded and missed a bridge, contributing to the fatal accident. Initial reports confirm that the casualties included 68 men and three women, as stated by the Sidama Police Commission’s Traffic Prevention and Control Directorate.
Tragedy Strikes as Wedding Guests' Lorry Plunges into Ethiopian River
Tragedy Strikes as Wedding Guests' Lorry Plunges into Ethiopian River
At least 71 fatalities recorded following a lorry accident in Ethiopia's Sidama region, raising concerns over road safety.
Graphic images released on social media by the Sidama Regional Health Bureau depict the scene of the accident, showcasing rescuers attempting to retrieve the damaged vehicle from the river, as well as bodies covered with tarpaulins lying on the ground. This tragic event reflects a broader issue in Ethiopia, where traffic accidents claim thousands of lives each year, often attributed to excessive speed and violations of traffic regulations. Local authorities have initiated further investigations into the incident, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced road safety measures in the region.
Despite living in a country renowned for its vibrant culture and festivals, this tragedy starkly reminds Ethiopians and the global community of the need for greater attention to road traffic safety and the protection of life. The Ethiopian public continues to grapple with the repercussions of such accidents while mourning the loss of community members on joyous occasions such as weddings.
As the investigation continues, there is much discussion on the implications of this disaster on road safety regulations in Ethiopia, a country where such tragic occurrences remain unacceptably common.
Despite living in a country renowned for its vibrant culture and festivals, this tragedy starkly reminds Ethiopians and the global community of the need for greater attention to road traffic safety and the protection of life. The Ethiopian public continues to grapple with the repercussions of such accidents while mourning the loss of community members on joyous occasions such as weddings.
As the investigation continues, there is much discussion on the implications of this disaster on road safety regulations in Ethiopia, a country where such tragic occurrences remain unacceptably common.