On December 22, 2024, a small aircraft carrying an estimated nine individuals crashed in the popular tourist city of Gramado, located in Brazil's southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Initial reports from Governor Eduardo Leite suggested that the aircraft's occupants likely did not survive the incident. The plane reportedly struck multiple structures, including a chimney and second floor of a residential building, before colliding with a furniture store, which prompted a debris field that affected adjacent properties, including a nearby bed-and-breakfast.
Small Plane Crash in Gramado, Brazil: Casualties and Injuries Confirmed
Small Plane Crash in Gramado, Brazil: Casualties and Injuries Confirmed
A small plane has crashed in Gramado, Brazil, reportedly causing multiple injuries and fatalities among occupants.
At least 14 people on the ground were injured in the crash, with two suffering serious burn injuries and others treated for smoke inhalation. Authorities are still working to confirm the total number of individuals who were aboard the ill-fated flight as investigations continue regarding the cause of the accident. Local civil defense officials are overseeing the situation and providing support to the injured. The incident has raised concerns about aviation safety in tourist regions, and calls for a thorough investigation are anticipated in the coming days.