In the wake of Cyclone Chido, Mayotte is grappling with renewed weather challenges as Storm Dikeledi brings heavy rains, causing floods and mudslides. Just a month ago, the archipelago experienced catastrophic damage due to Cyclone Chido, leaving a devastated landscape and a significant death toll.
Mayotte Struggles With Aftermath of Second Storm, Dikeledi
Mayotte Struggles With Aftermath of Second Storm, Dikeledi
The French territory of Mayotte faces severe weather conditions as the second storm in a month leads to floods and mudslides.
The region is currently under the highest alert as Dikeledi passes nearby, pushing local authorities to prepare for potential violent conditions. Local news outlets reveal extensive flooding, particularly in the village of Mbouini, which was previously untouched by Cyclone Chido. Emergency shelters are housing at least 14,500 displaced residents. The storm is anticipated to strengthen and slowly track towards Mozambique, where conditions are also deteriorating due to lingering effects from Cyclone Chido.
Mayotte, largely known for its poverty and challenging living conditions, houses an estimated 320,000 residents, with a considerable number of undocumented migrants. In December, Cyclone Chido resulted in severe devastation, with initial death estimates reaching several hundred before being revised. As the second storm unfolds, Mayotte remains on high alert, grappling with the threat of more extreme weather and its lingering impacts.
Mayotte, largely known for its poverty and challenging living conditions, houses an estimated 320,000 residents, with a considerable number of undocumented migrants. In December, Cyclone Chido resulted in severe devastation, with initial death estimates reaching several hundred before being revised. As the second storm unfolds, Mayotte remains on high alert, grappling with the threat of more extreme weather and its lingering impacts.