In a devastating turn of events, Storm Bora has wreaked havoc across Greece, resulting in the deaths of two men due to torrential rains and strong winds. The island of Rhodes was the first to face the brunt of the storm, with reports indicating over 30cm of rain falling since Saturday. The mayor of Rhodes has since called for a state of emergency as the situation escalates.
Storm Bora Hits Greece: Two Lives Lost Amid Widespread Damage
Storm Bora Hits Greece: Two Lives Lost Amid Widespread Damage
Greece grapples with the aftermath of Storm Bora as torrential rain and strong winds lead to two fatalities and significant destruction across the country.
The tragic incidents occurred on the island of Lemnos, where flooding caused extensive damage to infrastructure, forcing residents to evacuate their homes due to fears of dam overflow. A 70-year-old man died after a fall while trying to clear his property, while a 57-year-old farmer drowned during an attempt to salvage his vehicle that became stuck in muddy waters. The regional governor of Southern Aegean described the damage on Rhodes as "enormous," with many roads impassable and bridges collapsed in certain areas.
The civil protection department in Thessaloniki, Greece's second-largest city, has advised residents to limit mobility due to gale-force winds exceeding 80 km/h (50 mph). This has resulted in power outages and disruptions to transport services, including delays on the Thessaloniki-Athens railway line. In significant incidents in the port, a cargo ship was swept away by the fierce winds, causing a collision with another vessel.
As Storm Bora continues to impact various regions of Greece, including central Macedonia and parts of Halkidiki, forecasters predict that the severe weather conditions will persist until at least early Tuesday. The Greek government faces mounting pressure to address the damages and emergencies that have arisen from this catastrophic storm.
The civil protection department in Thessaloniki, Greece's second-largest city, has advised residents to limit mobility due to gale-force winds exceeding 80 km/h (50 mph). This has resulted in power outages and disruptions to transport services, including delays on the Thessaloniki-Athens railway line. In significant incidents in the port, a cargo ship was swept away by the fierce winds, causing a collision with another vessel.
As Storm Bora continues to impact various regions of Greece, including central Macedonia and parts of Halkidiki, forecasters predict that the severe weather conditions will persist until at least early Tuesday. The Greek government faces mounting pressure to address the damages and emergencies that have arisen from this catastrophic storm.